۱۳۸۷ اردیبهشت ۸, یکشنبه

no title

We are the learned few, the two or three
Who make the rules, who read the books
That tell us how humane we’ve made this life
Valerie Trueblood

۴ نظر:

human being گفت...

Hmmm... i cannot relate much to this... maybe i cannot get his point... i don't believe just the few learned are making the rules... or reading the books... or making life more human... at least as far as i'm concerned, it's not true... i read books to tell me about the world... but i make no rules... usually rules are made by those who don't read the books... moreover, all people have a share to make life better or worse.... aha! maybe i'm not among the learned...0

Thanks Mass'ood for listing me under your 'windows to life'... it's really great to be a window... though think sometimes i'm just a... a... guess what?!0

and correct, please:
Dear Teacher, Satan

The Little Prince گفت...

stephen william hawking

For milllions of years, mankind lived just like the animals.
The somthing happened which unleashed the powerof our imagination.
We learned to talk.
And we learned to listen.
Speech has allowed the communication of ideas, enabeling human begins to work together.
To build the impossible.
Mankind's greatest achievements have come about by talking.
And it's greatest failures by NOT talking.
Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future.
With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded.
All we need to do is...
make sure...
we keep...

t a l k i n g

مسعود گفت...

عزیزتر معلم
I guess you are a door,opened to the life.Is it right or no
اگر چه دوست ندارم از شیطان بیاموزم و کاش آنرا حذف میکردید،ولی نشانی درست است نه؟
مرا هر روز بنده خود می کنی!چه خوب.

مسعود گفت...

شازده کوچولوی بزرگ
It's very nice
بله ،اول کلمه بود و کلمه حق بود و کلمه نزد خدا بود.
اگر زبان نبود ،اندیشه هم نبود،یعنی هیچ چیز نبود.